
  • Serving as co-chair of American Meteorological Society Board of Government Meteorologists.
  • Serving as mentor for ERLDP program (2016-present).
  • April, 2015 – present: Coached Science Olympiad Team for Cathedral School in Raleigh.
  • April, 2014: Volunteer for Science Olympiad state tournament held at NCSU.
  • January, 2008 – January, 2009: Provided tutoring services to students in Meteorology, Physics, and Math.
  • May, 2007 – May 2008: Elected Vice President of the University of Hawai’i Graduate Student Organization.
  • May, 2006 – December 2008: University of Hawai’i Meteorology Department Representative in Graduate Student Organization.
  • May, 2006 – May, 2008: Graduate Student Representative on the University of Hawai’i Athletic Advisory Board.
  • February, 2006: Volunteer Worker for AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu, Hawai’i.
  • August, 2003 – May, 2004: Vice President, web master, and co-founder of the Atmospheric Sciences Club at the University of Miami.
  • January, 2004: Volunteer worker for AMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington.
Attending a field demonstration by the USAF 18th Weather Squadron at Fort Bragg, NC during a military weather conference I was invited to attend. These men and women exemplify service in every form of the word.